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Fresh Start and New Journey- 2023 Annual Work Summary and Commendation Conference of the Guarding Services Department of CSP

时间:2024-1-25 10:22:16    

In order to further cope with the intensely competitive market environment and the challenges faced by the Company’s internal operations, and to motivate the security guards to devote themselves to the work in the new year with greater enthusiasm to successfully complete new performance tasks, the Guarding Services Department of China Security & Protection Group Co., Ltd. (CSP) held the 2023 Annual Work Summary and Commendation Conference on January 20, 2024.

Yan Yuntong, General Manager of the Guarding Services Department, all the staff and regional project supervisors of the department, outstanding employees, as well as representatives of employees who made great contributions in the past five and ten years, including Zhao Dongjian, leader of the project in East China, and Lu Guang, leader of the project in Dalian, were present at the conference. In addition, Liu Zhongping, President of CSP, was specially invited to the conference, and other invited attendees included Yu Yang, head of CSP’s Shanghai branch, Li Shenhong, head of the Qinhuangdao branch, and some team members.

The conference began at 9 a.m. with a round of applause and the following agenda. Item 1: Yan Yuntong, General Manager of the Guarding Services Department, made a report on the work of the department in 2023. Item 2: Liu Daguang, Deputy Manager of the department, announced the award-winning employees and the advanced deeds. Item 3: Leaders of the Group and the department awarded honor certificates to the award-winning employees and took a group photo. Item 4: Representatives of the honored outstanding employees delivered their acceptance speeches. Towards the end of the conference, Zhao Dongjian, leader of the project in East China, shared his work experience, which resonated among the attendees. After that, Liu Zhongping, President of CSP, delivered a guiding speech. He expressed congratulations to the award winners, explained the current situation and development prospects of the Group at a high level, and set forth requirements for the work of the Guarding Services Department in the new year.

Finally, in the presence of all attendees, Manager Yan, on behalf of the department, assured CSP: In the new year, under the strong leadership of CSP, the Guarding Services Department will remain true to the original aspiration, maintain faith, build consensus, make tough choices, pursue adjustments and innovations, demonstrate greater vitality, and continue to work hard to obtain more tasks!

After all attendees took a group photo, the conference came to a successful conclusion in sincere blessings.



